Breaking of the strands in our DNA material has been correlated with disease such as cancer, and processes like aging. New research shows that neurons use the same process to speed up learning. In essence, this is a defensive mechanism. When time is critically important in our body’s effort to fight off life-threatening disease, […]
Species Universe video posts found supporting the concept of the Universe as a Species.
9 Substantive Ways Mindfulness Helps Management
Meditation and focus on mindfulness can help relieve and decrease the stress in our everyday lives. Following these routines can greatly improve the efficiency of management of people. It has been shown that practicing meditation and enabling your employees to have the time to do it throughout the day can increase the engagement of […]
The Casimir Effect
Zero Point Energy Demystified Quantum Mechanics predicts virtual particles. Or rather the mathematics of probabilities used to describe the quantum realm necessitates including virtual particles. In 1948 physicist Henry Casimir proposed that a force may exist between to charged plates. This was confirmed in 1997 and called “The Casimir Effect”. The proof of this […]
The Quantum Reality – How It’s Affecting You Today w/Cynthia Sue Larson (2015)
Cynthia Sue Larson talks on the Quantum Reality Quantum reality was always around. It’s just that most people were unaware of it until very recently. As Cynthia Larson explained, nature is already in the new quantum reality but science is just now catching up. Today, more and more people are becoming aware of these theories–not […]
“The Physics of the Future” by Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku on the Physics of the Future Professor Michio Kaku, author of physics of the impossible, talks about predicting the next one hundred years. The presentation explores how physicists invent the impossible. Professor Kaku detailed his childhood influences from watching science fiction, such shows as Flash Gordon and Star Trek. Several concepts of technologies […]
TEDx Brussels 2010 – Stuart Hameroff – Do we have a quantum Soul?
Stuart Hameroff – Do we have a quantum Soul? I like to watch all of Dr. Hameroff’s interviews and lectures, and I’ve been trying to figure out a good excuse to go to the The Center for Consciousness Studies at the UA to check it out. I totally think he’s onto something. When I first […]
SOMETHING FROM NOTHING? Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss
SOMETHING FROM NOTHING? This video comes from a speech titled ‘something from nothing’ by the famous evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins. The speech is largely based on the ‘beautiful illusion of design’ in our visible / understandable universe. Furthermore, the conversation wrestles with how the complex beginnings of life are attempted to be explained through divine […]
Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey through the Afterlife
Eben Alexander’s Enlightening Journey through the Afterlife! This video shows Dr. Eben Alexander as he gives a lecture on his experience as a Neurosurgeon during the Afterlife. Dr. Alexander’s firsthand knowledge supports the premise that quantum physicist have suggested, that conscientiousness is at the very center of the universe. He says the physical world that […]
Dr. John Hagelin – Hacking Consciousness at Stanford University
John Hagelin Shows Us How to Hack Your Consciousness This is a video titled Hacking Consciousness at Stanford University by Dr. John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist. This is session one of a nine session series involving not just students but non students, as well. During this session Dr. Hagelin speaks about different types of meditation […]
Was Reincarnation Deleted from the Bible?
According to the Pew Research Center 24% of American Christians believe in reincarnation. It is stated the Catholic Church suppressed this information from the Bible. Where you end up in your next is determined by how you live your current life. This is basically following the law of Karma. What you dish out, good or […]