It turns out that the universe is disturbingly close to being unstable and going poof. It’s possible that the universe is “almost unstable” and if you wait long enough, the entire universe will just self-destruct. Or maybe not? But I think it’s important to find out, and one important thing is that people have just […]
Species Universe video posts found supporting the concept of the Universe as a Species.
Lawrence Krauss – Why aren’t Aliens Already Here?
Is the Universe is infinite? It seems to be that way, containing galaxy after galaxy. There should be no question as to whether there is other life in the Universe besides our own rather whether those other life forms hold the intelligence to travel from one cosmos to another. If they do have the intelligence, […]
CIA Document Confirms Reality Of Humans With ‘Special Abilities’ Able To Do ‘Impossible’ Things
There is a CIA document that has confirmed the reality of humans with special abilities being able to do seemingly impossible things. If you want to understand this properly, then you need to be aware of the relationship between out awareness and our environment. Consciousness is fundamental and the physical universe is secondary. Key Takeaways: […]
Beyond Space & Time: Quantum Theory Suggests Consciousness Moves on After Death
It turns out that Quantum theory suggests consciousness moves on after death. It would be more accurate to say that consciousness has an experience here and then moves to a different reality frame. Death is an illusion. There is a lot of talk out there on how consciousness works. It seems that the world […]
Alister McGrath – Arguing God from Pure Existence?
Do your dreams or the unexplained longing feeling towards something more explain the existence of God? Alister McGrath suggests just that, there is a reason why we dream, there is a reason why many have a feeling of transcendence. This world alone does not satisfy, it cannot fully explain why we dream or why we […]
Donald Hoffman – Does Consciousness Cause the Cosmos?
Some claim consciousness, our inner awareness, is part of a ‘cosmic consciousness’. Not only is consciousness the deepest reality, but also it brought into existence the totality of reality. This would mean that mind, the mental, is fundamental and primary, while the entire physical universe is derivative and secondary. Very interesting conversation. Key Takeaways: Donald […]
Healing Meditation Music, Relaxing Music, Background Music, ☯3063
Healing Meditation Music This music is a great way to sit back and feel relief for once in the day. The music is really soft and makes you feel relaxed and at ease. The imagery is very beautiful and will make you feel pleasant inside. There are mountain landscapes shown and beautiful waterfalls to give […]
The World from Light’s Point of View
Dr. Peter Russell describes the world from light’s point of view Peter Russell describes how light would view the world based on its unique point of view using Einstein’s special theory of relativity and other principles. Dr. Peter Russell discusses the speed of light, characteristics of light, and the space-time continuum and “interval;”. Peter Russell […]
Bart Marshall ‘Only This Emptiness’
In the Vietnam War a mortar landed nearby that blew Bart into a clear and brilliant blackness. When he returned in 1968 he experimented with LSD, read everything he could find that might offer clues to what had happened to him, studied meditation and attended workshops. After 20 years he hit a wall as a […]
Menas Kafatos – Does Consciousness Cause the Cosmos?
Consciousness is one of the most abstract and misunderstood concept of the human body. As humans we are aware of this but we do not truly understand it. Some believe that the cosmos is secondary to the consciousness of the human experience. This is a very obscure concept, and many people disagree. Key Takeaways: Cosmos […]