Eric Baldwin takes us on a Journey to the Edge of the Universe Eric Baldwin does a great job narrating the journey and exploration to the edge of the Universe. Leaving Earth we begin our journey in our own solar system exploring and discovering new insights to how our solar system was formed and […]
Species Universe video posts found supporting the concept of the Universe as a Species.
Michio Kaku: The Universe In A Nutshell (BigThink)
Michio Kaku explains “The Universe In A Nutshell” Dr. Michio Kaku explains the development of the modern scientific perspective starting with what he calls the greatest breakthrough in thinking that has occurred for man and that would be Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia. The Principia is Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity, the relationship between the […]
Nothing Becomes Everything | How the Universe Works
How The Universe Works offers a Quick Discription on How Nothing Becomes Everything Dr Michio Kaku and Dr. Laurence Krauss discribe the implications of Quantum Mechanics pointing to nothing becoming everything. Where did creation happen, accouding to Dr. Michio Kaku everywhere since all of space and time was very small when it all started. Dr. […]
Power of Thought A Quantum Perspective – By Kent Healy
Kent Healy points out parapsychology research to support the view springing from Quantum Mechanics that our thoughts create our reality. Quantum Mechanics does blatantly point to the need of an act of observation in order to collapse the quantum field of probabilities into a physical reality. The act of observation makes reality certain. My […]
Does God Exist? (Michael Shermer vs John Lennox)
Does God Exist? is a debate between an atheist Michael Shermer and a man of faith John Lennox arguing their respective cases. To me both are getting the point and at the same time missing it. Each has one aspect of the total reality, both angles should contribute to the complete knowledge and understanding […]
Sam Harris Nightline Debate: Does God Have a Future? (Excerpt)
Does science prove God is dead or does science bring us closer to God? Dan Harris from NightLine host the debate “Does God have a future?” Personally I don’t think the nature of reality or what some call God needs a debate. It’s what it is. If we get it (Nature or God) we most […]
Reprogramming Skin to Grow New Organs Is Now Possible
Tissue nano-transfection is something that involves nanochip technology that can generate any type of cell.The idea behind this is to reprogram to skin to produce new cells and organs. Almost like creating stem cells without taking the cells from the body. It shows a study that involved a leg that needed better blood flow. […]
The Universe is Alive (TheProfessorSyed)
Is the universe alive? Lets start with a brief explanation of what determines life by using humans as an example. Humans reproduce, evolve over time by transferring information through DNA, and metabolize by turning food into energy. These same functions are observed in our universe using the Specific Metabolic Rate equation formed by Dr. […]
The Design Of The Taj Mahal Borrows From Many Cultures And Beliefs
The model animation breaks down the unique structure of the Taj Mahal – explaining how the architecture reflects Emperor Shah Jahan’s unique religion by taking elements from mosques, the Quran, the eight gates to paradise, and some Iraqi influences. Shah Jahan had a unique situation. He was a believer of Islam with unique views also […]
Neuroscientist Shares How Your Brain Hallucinates To Create Reality
Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality… Anil Seth, during a TED Talk, revealed how he experienced what is commonly known as a near death experience. With this event serving as a catalyst to his quest for understanding, we follow Mr. Seth as he discussed the physical and chemical makeup of the brain and how all […]