Physics of the Observer? Robert Lawrence Kuhn of Closer to the Truth interviews Individuals from all walks of life attempting to get to the truth behind their discipline. In this YouTube playlist Robert interviews the attendees of a conference titled “The Physics of the Observer”. There were individuals from more disciplines than just physics. They […]
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics understood correctly points directly to discovering the Universe as a Species!
Filling the Big Gap in Einstein’s Theory | Paul Steinhardt | TEDxCLESalon
Paul Steinhardt PhD Tries Filling the Gap in Einstein’s Theory Physicist Paul Steinhardt attempts to fill the gap created by Einstein’s theory leaving unanswered how the Universe came into existence. Is the Universe static, unchanging and eternal, did it start with a Big Bang, or does it bounce. In fact Dr. Paul Steinhardt favors and […]
Michio Kaku: The Universe In A Nutshell (BigThink)
Michio Kaku explains “The Universe In A Nutshell” Dr. Michio Kaku explains the development of the modern scientific perspective starting with what he calls the greatest breakthrough in thinking that has occurred for man and that would be Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia. The Principia is Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity, the relationship between the […]
Nothing Becomes Everything | How the Universe Works
How The Universe Works offers a Quick Discription on How Nothing Becomes Everything Dr Michio Kaku and Dr. Laurence Krauss discribe the implications of Quantum Mechanics pointing to nothing becoming everything. Where did creation happen, accouding to Dr. Michio Kaku everywhere since all of space and time was very small when it all started. Dr. […]
Sam Harris Nightline Debate: Does God Have a Future? (Excerpt)
Does science prove God is dead or does science bring us closer to God? Dan Harris from NightLine host the debate “Does God have a future?” Personally I don’t think the nature of reality or what some call God needs a debate. It’s what it is. If we get it (Nature or God) we most […]
‘Collision Course’ in the Science of Consciousness – Newswise (press release)
The hand drop test is considerably more well known than its cousin the face flick and it remains a fairly reliable, though somewhat controversial test. There’s a reason why the hand drop test is so well known. It tends to work. It’s a clever and reliable way to force a patient to make a decision […]
Neuroscientist Shares How Your Brain Hallucinates To Create Reality
Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality… Anil Seth, during a TED Talk, revealed how he experienced what is commonly known as a near death experience. With this event serving as a catalyst to his quest for understanding, we follow Mr. Seth as he discussed the physical and chemical makeup of the brain and how all […]
Lawrence Krauss – How Much More to Physical Reality?
Quantum mechanics and relativity has changed our perception of exactly what is in the physical realm. Lawrence Krauss asks, is there more? For instance, dark energy is a new concept. One of the newest exciting scientific concepts is the emerging of physics and biology. Is life a cosmic comparative? Do not be surprised by surprise. […]
The primacy of doubt in an age of illusory certainty
In “The Primacy of Doubt in an Age of Illusory Certainty,” writer Anil Ananthaswamy delves into the profound importance of doubt as a fundamental aspect of scientific inquiry and human cognition. The article, featured on 3 Quarks Daily, navigates through the landscape of modern science and philosophy, emphasizing that doubt is not a weakness but […]
Lawrence Krauss – Why aren’t Aliens Already Here?
Is the Universe is infinite? It seems to be that way, containing galaxy after galaxy. There should be no question as to whether there is other life in the Universe besides our own rather whether those other life forms hold the intelligence to travel from one cosmos to another. If they do have the intelligence, […]