Physicists have gone hunting for consciousness. Until recently, consciousness was relegated to the realm of philosophy, but it is now a serious thing among scientists as the true nature of our reality is becoming clearer and clearer. There is a hunt going on to find out just how consciousness functions and if it is […]
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics understood correctly points directly to discovering the Universe as a Species!
Machine Consciousness Experiment
There has been a machine consciousness experiment attempted. This experiment separates the mind into three segments. it then studies how these segments operate. No one can understand how we get to neurons firing to the experience of the color red. It talks about what you can actually measure in the situation. Key Takeaways: The […]
The World from Light’s Point of View
Dr. Peter Russell describes the world from light’s point of view Peter Russell describes how light would view the world based on its unique point of view using Einstein’s special theory of relativity and other principles. Dr. Peter Russell discusses the speed of light, characteristics of light, and the space-time continuum and “interval;”. Peter Russell […]
The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
How can something be both a wave and a particle at the same time? The single particle double-slit experiment is a quantum experiment that challenges our intuitive understanding of the physical world, where near-infinite possibilities become a singular reality, a moment that scientists have come to define as “the collapse of the wave function.” […]
Death Is Not Final: Closing Statements
Death is something no one wants to think about. It is going to happen to everyone, or is it? There is a debate going on whether death is final. There are arguments that death is not final. This would center around different levels of consciousness. Until a new Paradigm emerges that answers the question as […]
Discovery of quantum vibrations in ‘microtubules’ inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness – Science Daily (press release)
Research in Orchestrated Objective reduction, better known as Orch OR, is research that examines protein polymers in the microtubules of the brain. Tandem studies in Japan as well as the US states that consciousness actually exists in the neuro microtubules of the brain in the form of quantum vibrations therein. The brain was once […]
How the Hidden Mathematics of Living Cells Could Help Us Decipher the Brain – Singularity Hub
The brain has been compared to computers by lots of experts, but how similar are they? Can Boolean Logic – how computers think in 0’s and 1’s – be compared to how human logic works? Much recent research has gone into proving or disproving this theory. If you want to know more about this […]
Varadaraja V. Raman – Arguing God from Pure Existence?
Varadaraja V. Raman is Emeritus Professor of Physics and Humanities at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has lectured and written Indian heritage and culture and authored numerous books, book reviews and articles on science and religion. He is considered expert in the Hindu religion, especially as how it relates to modern science. Key Takeaways: […]
Tom Campbell: MBT LA 2016 1 of 7 The Implications of Virtual Reality
Exploring the Implications of Virtual Reality: A Deep Dive with Tom Campbell In the first part of his 2016 Los Angeles series, Tom Campbell delves into the profound implications of virtual reality on our understanding of existence. Campbell, a physicist and consciousness researcher, is renowned for his My Big TOE (Theory of Everything), which posits […]
Could Quantum Brain Effects Explain Consciousness? –
It is tempting to try to explain mind through quantum mechanisms – very tiny effects in the molecules of the brain – because matter and energy, below a certain size, seem to have some similar characteristics. Quantum particles/waves have an infinite number of possibilities at the same time, an ability to instantly influence something […]