This video comes from a speech titled ‘something from nothing’ by the famous evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins. The speech is largely based on the ‘beautiful illusion of design’ in our visible / understandable universe.
Furthermore, the conversation wrestles with how the complex beginnings of life are attempted to be explained through divine interventions. The transition from chemistry to biology (life) is defined in the lecture as the creation of something from nothing.
Finally, the conversation moves to explaining how to deconstruct the traditionally held beliefs how humans have found meaning through this change.
Key Takeaways:
- The origin of life itself is the creation of something from nothing.
- We are all stardust. We are literally stardust, billions of stars exploded and billions of years later, here we are!
- We are actually from apes, not monkeys. We are kind of like a chimpanzee’s cousin.
“Is there only one way for a universe to be?”
~Comments always welcome…
Relevant Content:
- Dr. Lawrence M. Krauss’ Biography
- Lawrence Krauss – How Much More to Physical Reality?
- “A Universe From Nothing” by Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins
- Lawrence Krauss – Why aren’t Aliens Already Here?
- “A Universe from Nothing” by Lawrence Krauss
- Lawrence Krauss Video (YouTube Channel)
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