There are quite a few meditations that you can do right now, no matter where you are. Insight meditation is very valuable to use because it shows us what has created our present conditions and also helps us live in the present more. Loving-kindness is when we wish ourselves and others to be happy, which leads to improved mood and better sleep. Finally, walking meditation is a great way to bridge our daily life with sitting meditation as it helps us become more present and improves our concentration level.
Key Takeaways:
- Insight meditation can help you figure out what has created your present conditions and will help you live more in the present.
- Walking meditation is a great way to differentiate from the more typical sitting practice, and will help improve concentration.
- Loving-kindness is an attitude that can help benefit others as well as ourselves because it helps lead to a happier mood and better sleep.
“Even a year ago, you might’ve been able to Google the nearest meditation center.”
Read more:
Lion’s Roar (Website)Improvement Pill (YouTube Channel)
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