The way society is set up with commerce tends to keep people dependent on the monetary system and under control. Similarly, society encourages people to specialize or get trades which make them skilled in only one area of life. The thought of earning a living through work is akin to paying to be alive, […]
Species Universe video posts found supporting the concept of the Universe as a Species.
A New Way to Expose a Liar and Cut Through the Cover-Up
When it comes to a person who lies, most people will continue to lie even harder to do anything they can to cover up their previous lies so that they are not exposed. When it comes to lying, people will act to maximize their own benefit, especially when they are in public. Once one […]
One Reason Why We May Have Intrusive Memories
When people have a traumatic experience they will often develop are certain reaction to the event called a peritraumatic reaction. Common reactions are dissociation and distress. Stemming from these reactions are intrusive memories, but it is often uncertain why these memories will form and when they will come back into consciousness. It is largely […]
How Meditation Can Help You Make Fewer Mistakes
A study from Michigan State University has shown that meditation that focuses on mental awareness can help improve the brain’s ability to recognize errors. More than 200 participants went through a meditation session while researchers monitored their brain activity. The type of meditation promoted is known as “open monitoring meditation” which focuses on your […]
Lahiri Mahasaya — householder Yogi venerated all over the world
Mahasaya is an Indian saint that lived in the 19th century. He is widely recognized as the one that revived the practice of ancient liberation technique. As such, he is revered globally and for many of those that practice this technique, he is a familiar name. His beginnings of spiritual awakening are traced from Varanasi, […]
How Mindfulness During Class Can Help Students and Teachers
Practicing meditation with special focus on mindfulness can help relieve the stresses of modern life and this is something many working professionals are discovering. However, even at a different level, with people who experiences lower level of stress, these practices can help. For example, both students and teachers can find it helpful during the […]
Mindfulness meditation training promotes prosocial behaviors even without ethical instructions
If you want to improve parts of your life, mindfulness meditation training is a great way to start! A recent study showed positive interpersonal outcomes through the cognitive social changes that show how people pay attention to one another during their social interactions. As far as the study goes, there are always cons. The […]
Combining Physics and Deep Learning
When it comes to combining physics and deep learning, you may be surprised at the outcome. PhysiNet helps combine learning with physics models, such as digital twins, which are replicas but virtually of an object. One of the major issues faced with digital twins is their ability to combine empirical data with the physics […]
5 Meditations You Can Do Right Now
There are quite a few meditations that you can do right now, no matter where you are. Insight meditation is very valuable to use because it shows us what has created our present conditions and also helps us live in the present more. Loving-kindness is when we wish ourselves and others to be happy, which […]
You Can Improve Your Memory in Less Than 10 Minutes
Have you ever wondered how to improve your memory? Just like any other muscle in the body, you have to exercise the mind! Just one session of mindfulness meditation helps improve the visual short term memory. There is research to back up mindfulness meditation in that is can enhance attention, improves working memory as […]