Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness Background and Motivation Quantum mechanics, the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles on the atomic and subatomic levels, has revolutionized our understanding of the universe. It challenges classical notions of determinism and introduces concepts such as wave-particle duality, superposition, and entanglement. These phenomena have […]
Traditional Views
Species Universe offering traditional views of life that explicitly explain what Quantum Mechanics is pointing to; that the mind and body, the observer, observed and act of observation are the same thing.
Mindfulness For Your Health: The Benefits Of Living Moment By Moment
There are many health benefits that come with mindfulness. Mindfulness comes from Buddhist meditation which is a practice that’s goal is to increase awareness of the mind and increase concentration. Mindfulness has become much more common over the last decade and can be practiced in different ways. You can practice mindfulness by sitting meditation […]
How to Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Change
There are a few different ways that you can stop worrying about things that you can’t change. The first thing is to just accept that some things are uncertain and you can thrive in that because you can try some new things out. You also can call a friend to talk to and get […]
Buddhism Meets Evolutionary Psychology
Compared to psychology, we can say that Buddhism is quite ancient. The new book tries to connect the enlightenment and meditation to principles of subdiscipline of psychology classified as evolutionary. The main premise of the book states that we are primed, through selection, to think in a delusional way, and oppose to accept the […]
Does New Age Mysticism REALLY Explain Quantum Physics? Communist Theory of Mind Says No – Dissident Voice
Quantum Mechanics challenges the deterministic nature of science, and many New Age gurus have claimed that quantum physics supports Eastern mysticism. Lenin set out to defend materialism against mystical interpretations. He argued for a “copy theory” that the mind makes copies of reality that, while imperfect, are good enough for us to get by. […]
9 Substantive Ways Mindfulness Helps Management
Meditation and focus on mindfulness can help relieve and decrease the stress in our everyday lives. Following these routines can greatly improve the efficiency of management of people. It has been shown that practicing meditation and enabling your employees to have the time to do it throughout the day can increase the engagement of […]
Physics Consciousness And Yoga-Dr SS Mantha – BW Businessworld
Yoga and consciousness are intertwined, and yoga routines enable us to connect to our true self. This self that we explore is what is beyond purely materialistic satisfaction. The practice is ancient, but some researchers are trying to explain it from a different perspective, by using principles of physics. Of particular interest is the physical […]
Can consciousness be explained by quantum physics? Research is closer to finding out – Science X
One of the biggest questions in life is how our consciousness is established. It was theorized that the brains neuronal system forms a network in the shape of a fractal pattern. Due to this it is thought that it should follow the laws of quantum mechanics. The blood vessels in our lungs form a […]
Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey through the Afterlife
Eben Alexander’s Enlightening Journey through the Afterlife! This video shows Dr. Eben Alexander as he gives a lecture on his experience as a Neurosurgeon during the Afterlife. Dr. Alexander’s firsthand knowledge supports the premise that quantum physicist have suggested, that conscientiousness is at the very center of the universe. He says the physical world that […]
Dr. John Hagelin – Hacking Consciousness at Stanford University
John Hagelin Shows Us How to Hack Your Consciousness This is a video titled Hacking Consciousness at Stanford University by Dr. John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist. This is session one of a nine session series involving not just students but non students, as well. During this session Dr. Hagelin speaks about different types of meditation […]