The Bletchley Park Mansion, known for being the site where Alan Turing and his team cracked Nazi codes during World War II, recently hosted the world’s first major AI Safety Summit. The summit aimed to address the urgent need for international agreement on the use and impact of artificial intelligence (AI). This comes amid […]
Species Universe offers posts dealing with the fundimentals of science that inspired the idea that the Universe is a Species.
Learning Governing Equations and Control Parameters from Data
A new machine-learning algorithm has been developed that can determine the governing equations and control parameters of a system from a few measurements. The algorithm, developed by a team at the University of Washington, Seattle, has been improved from its 2016 version to now be able to identify key behavior-controlling parameters of a system, […]
Massive Star Formation Displays Self-Control
New observations of a stellar nursery have highlighted a self-regulation mechanism that resolves discrepancies between simulated and observed efficiencies of star formation. The process of star formation in interstellar clouds of gas and dust is influenced by young, massive stars that inject energy into their surroundings. This energy can disrupt star formation by tearing […]
The Crisis in String Theory is Worse Than You Think: A Deep Dive into the Struggle to Unify the Universe
Exploring the Scientific and Philosophical Implications of String Theory’s Setbacks on Our Quest for Understanding Introduction String theory once captivated the minds of physicists and enthusiasts alike, holding the promise of a unified framework for all known forces of nature. Described as a “theory of everything,” string theory has shaped much of modern theoretical […]
The Mystery of Cosmic Radio Bursts Gets Bright New Clues
A recent study uncovered the most distant and luminous fast radio burst (FRB) to date, emanating from 10 billion light-years away, showcasing that these bursts are not limited to the nearby universe. This burst, labeled FRB 20220610A, released an immense amount of energy in a fraction of a millisecond, comparable to the sun’s output […]
A Groundbreaking Human Brain Cell Atlas Just Dropped
An international team of researchers has unveiled a highly detailed atlas of human brain cells, providing insights into the vast diversity of neurons and the distinct characteristics of the human brain compared to other animals. This atlas, part of a collection of 21 papers, is seen as a leap forward in understanding brain function […]
Life beyond the Nobel: Brian Josephson and his interest in the mind
Nobel laureate Brian Josephson, known for his work on superconductors, has spent the past 50 years exploring the intersection of physics and the mind. This shift in focus was prompted after his Nobel Prize win, which freed him from the need to prove himself in his original field. Key Takeaways: Brian Josephson, a […]
Transcendental Meditation reduced healthcare workers’ burnout symptoms during Covid crisis
Healthcare providers at three Miami hospitals who practiced Transcendental Meditation (TM) during the peak of the Covid crisis saw a significant reduction in burnout symptoms such as depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and emotional exhaustion, according to a study published in PLOS ONE. The study involved 65 healthcare providers who practiced TM and an equal number […]
Black holes, but backwards: unlocking the mysteries of white holes – podcast
Italian physicist Carlo Rovelli is conducting pioneering research into the concept of white holes. Unlike black holes, which are known for their gravitational pull that absorbs matter, white holes are theoretical regions of spacetime where matter spontaneously appears and explodes outward. Rovelli believes that these hypothetical objects are worth investigating as they could potentially provide […]
How a Piece of Roman Glass Became a Photonic Crystal
A piece of Roman glass found in the ancient city of Aquileia has undergone a chemical transformation over two millennia, turning it into a photonic crystal. This transformation resulted in a nanostructured surface that reflects light in a way similar to a butterfly’s wings. The glass shard, discovered in 2012, displays an iridescent surface […]