Most people associate yoga with mental exercise and health, and typically we don’t think of yoga as something that benefits muscular tone and body shape. However, there are routines that make the body move continuously and those routines play a part in formation of our muscles. Not only are muscles well defined, we also […]
Species Universe celebrates traditional values and practices that promote health!
How I Used Yoga for Healing Heartbreak | Well+Good
After ending s six-year relationship with my partner, I had the choice between remaining frustrated or stretching beyond the person I was. I chose the latter and used yoga as the means to do so. My consciousness heightened in every pose I did. I learned, through the principle of Aparigraha, to appreciate the journey and […]
How I Used Yoga for Healing Heartbreak | Well+Good
After ending s six-year relationship with my partner, I had the choice between remaining frustrated or stretching beyond the person I was. I chose the latter and used yoga as the means to do so. My consciousness heightened in every pose I did. I learned, through the principle of Aparigraha, to appreciate the journey and […]
8 Beginner Yoga Poses and the YouTube Videos to Guide You Through
Yoga is making a stunning comeback in our society. This is due to the way our lives changed dramatically during the pandemic and in its wake. Many of us needed to regain control of our mental wellness, and yoga provides just such option. For beginners, it is useful to attend a class at their […]
5 Surprising Mental Health Strengths People Wish For
When 9000 people were asked which strength they felt would bolster their mental well-being, the answers were surprising. They wanted bravery, forgiveness, creativity, perseverance, and the ability to self regulate better. In order to boost these strengths, it’s important to be mindful and consider the effort that one puts into each task, particularly approaching […]
2 Ways Meditation Heals
While meditation has been around for thousands of years, the science of meditation is fairly new. Relaxation and calming the mind play a large role in Buddhist meditations. A number of scientific studies now support the self-healing qualities of meditation. Another theme of many meditation traditions is the transformed state of consciousness. Over the years, […]
A Moment From an Energetic Synthesis of Communion
That chatter of never-ending thoughts that pop into your head can be quite overwhelming and difficult to stop. At times, it really feels that they control our lives and put limits on our sense of reality. If you join me, we can explore the power of communion and the energy it brings. Think of […]
Success Depends On Both IQ and EQ
We have been thinking about IQ a person has as a precursor to success in life. New studies confirm the importance of it, but they also shed light on the critical role that intelligence in the sense of emotions plays as a predictor. We can now confidently say that success that is sustained over […]
7 Questions to Help You Regain Control
There are quite a few different questions that you should be asking yourself if you want to regain control of your life. One of the first questions you need to ask yourself is where you have blocks of time scheduled in order to actually get your work done. You also need to think ahead […]
Brain Waves and Beyond: The Latest in Neuroscience and Consciousness
Introduction to Brain Waves and Neuroscience Overview of Brain Waves Brain waves are the electrical impulses produced by the brain’s neurons as they communicate with each other. These waves can be measured using electroencephalography (EEG), which involves placing electrodes on the scalp to detect and amplify the brain’s electrical activity. Brain waves are categorized […]