It’s a typical situation in any school across our nation. Students make fun of each, mock and taunt, then there’s some pushing and perhaps even a fight. Then, the students are sent to the detention. Many experts are now starting to question this practice, as it does not look as if it resolves anything. Now, […]
Occult and Psychical Sciences: Physicists probe the paranormal ?
Despite the lack of concrete scientific evidence, those in the academic community still have an affinity to the paranormal or occult. Recently, a member of Cambridge University held an interdisciplinary session of the science community to approach rational thoughts on the paranormal. The meeting contained three basic subjects: pseudo-psychic phenomena, near-death experiences, and psychokinesis. While […]
The Evolutionary Argument Against Reality
There is a point where psychology, philosophy and physics of the quantum world all meet. While the connection was dismissed for decades, there is a rising number of scientists that explore the relationship between these disciplines, primarily in order to explain our consciousness. Cognitive scientist, Dr. Hoffman, questions the statement that our senses, without […]
Can Quantum Physics, Neuroscience Merge as Quantum Consciousness? – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence
On a first glance, neuroscience and physics of quantum space don’t have much in common, but there’s a growing movement in the scientific world that explores the connection. They aim to merge the two in their quest to understand consciousness. The feeling is that the challenge is big because both of these sciences have […]
Benefits of digital fitness trackers don’t trickle down to those with lower incomes
Devices with smart technologies are a part of our everyday life. Fitness industry is heavily utilizing available technological advancements and many devices now enable you to benefit from this technology. As is the case with many other benefits, those who can really use these to improve the quality of life are really not getting them. […]
Beyond Survival: How Cooperation Shapes Species
Introduction The Importance of Cooperation in Nature In the grand tapestry of life, cooperation is a thread that weaves through the fabric of countless species, binding them together in a complex web of interdependence. While Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection emphasized competition as a driving force of evolution, modern science has revealed that […]
How Our Memories Hold the Key to Time
Time has often been thought of as an entity of itself, which has its own agenda. While due to consciousness, time can be thought of as a static flow of events, Einstein proved that time is not fixed, but changing and flowing. A famous thought experiment, “The Arrow”, Zeno the Elder exemplifies the uncertainty […]
Within Chaos, There Is a Refuge for Meditation – Buddhistdoor Global
It seems that wherever you go today, you will come across chaos. Even the most orderly societies live the lives in the fast line, everything is fluid and dynamic, that chaos reign supreme in that order. For our group, the tip to a prison in Bolivia was one such trip into a chaos. The […]
Decisions, Decisions: How We Make Choices Every Day
The questions surrounding our decision-making process have intrigued scientist for a long time. At a baseline level, it is an interesting discussion on whether we the information we currently have is primary factor, or whether our decision is formed based on personal and general experiences that we went through in the past. Now, cognitive […]
More Companies Offer Fertility Benefits. It’s Only the Beginning
The procedure for a woman to freeze her eggs is expensive and physically demanding. Some businesses are now paying for it for their employees. in 2020, 19 percent of US companies with over 500 employees covered the procedure, up from 5 percent in 2015. The CEO of Kindbody, a third-party provider that handles the […]