Species Universe is discovering the Universe as a Species by locating the Ultimate Missing Link in solving the Quantum Conundrum.
Discovering the Universe as a Species is an implicit result of getting Quantum Mechanics or the Quantum Conundrum.
The “Quantum Conundrum” (sometimes called “Quantum Consciousness”) results from the Uncertainty Principle requiring an act of observation to collapse the wave function of probabilities or uncertainty into a certainty. Without an observer observing the field of probabilities stays probabilities or uncertain and therefore a nonphysical, non-local reality or “Nothing”!
As described by world class physicists Dr. Michio Kaku: ‘Us physicist thought we were going to find a physical source to the physical Universe. But after four hundred years of looking for a physical source to the physical Universe we have to admit that we can’t find a physical source to the physical Universe. In fact what we do find as the source to the physical Universe is “Nothing”.’
Dr. Krauss describes in his book “Something from Nothing” how “Nothing” by its very nature of instability will become “Something” or Big Bang into a Universe.
This is our most materialistic science Physics coming to the conclusion that the ultimate understanding of the physical Universe is that it’s made out of “Nothing”!
And this “Nothing” can only become a physical reality through an act of observation.
We as the observer, where the act of observation comes from that collapses the uncertainty into a certainty, are in essence creators.
We the observer as creator has been a part of traditional interpretation as to our place in Universe for a very ling time.
In fact following the logic from Quantum Mechanics gives us something like this:
It takes an act of observation to make a physical reality. The body is a physical reality. Therefore, the act of observation cannot be located within the physical body because it takes an act of observation to make a physical body.
The act of observation must then be located outside of the body. The only place we know of outside of the physical body is this nonphysical, non-local, or in nothing.
The act of observation therefore must be located in this nonphysical, non-local, or in “Nothing”.
It makes sense for “Nothing” to be the Ultimate law of unity even between mind and body since “Nothing” is the only thing that cannot be broken down to anything more fundamental. Anything of a relative nature has duality. Duality can never be defined as unity.
Therefore, only “Nothing can be defined as the Ultimate law of Unity!
The observer, act of observation and observed become the very same thing even if “Nothing”.
The argument’s elaboration continues as follows:
The act of observation should then be able to be equated with the “conscious” experience.
Consciousness traditionally in the West has been defined as non-existent, or “Nothing”
Consciousness traditionally in the East has been defined as a nonphysical, non-local, nonexistent, or a “Nothing” reality too!
However, the physical Universe in the East traditionally has been defined as being the same thing as Consciousness or as an illusory expression of the very same source of our conscious experiences which is this nonphysical, nonlocal, or “Nothing”.
Oh no, that’s what the current Western tradition of Physics is beginning to say also!
In the West we’ve discovered “Nothing” as the source of everything. Consciousness is defined as a nonexistent phenomenon. The best descriptions of the conscious experience we have in the West is that consciousness is experienced as a non-physical, nonlocal (It cannot be located in the body), or as “Nothing”.
So, how can we distinguish between the nonphysical, non-local, or “Nothing” of the Quantum Mechanical source of physical and our very own experience of “Consciousness” as a nonphysical, non-local, or as “Nothing”.
I propose that we cannot distinguish between the two.
Just like Albert Einstein made the discovery of General Relativity or our new concepts of gravity simple by equating acceleration to gravity I also propose that there is no way on our good earth or in the heavens to distinguish between the non-physical, non-local, or “Nothing” of Quantum Mechanics and our very own experience of nonphysical, nonlocal or “Nothing” as the Conscious “Experience”.
They are exactly the same thing.
As the Eastern traditions describe it:
“To think of the physical as different then one’s own consciousness is to be in a state of ignorance, to perceive them as the very same thing is to be in a state of Enlightenment.”
This blog is about the inspiring change occurring in our world today toward this discovery and understanding of the world being not so physical and separate in Nature but more nonphysical and intimate in Nature than we ever could have imagined.
Stay tuned for the march toward completely understanding this change and how we can take advantage of It by discovering the Universe as a Species!
~Comments always welcome…
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Luigi Fulk says
hah i love it
Jody Mayes says
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