Technologies of Future?
Dr. Michio Kaku covers the objective scientific approach to what our future may look like while Sadhguru covers the obvious need for the Traditional subjective yet scientific approach to what our future will be.
According to Dr. Michio Kaku the objective scientific approach to life has already led to many breakthroughs in the quality of our life. One example that Dr. Kaku gives is that at the 2016 World Soccer games a paraplegic totally paralyzed was able to kick out the soccer ball for that start of the games with the aid of a brain implanted chip wired to an exoskeleton. These objective scientific technological advantages are only going to increase and get better.
Sadhguru inspires us that the objective scientific technological advantages are not only not going to stop but they will leave us with nothing to do except focus on figuring out what we really are, to develop our most inner experience.
The example Sadhguru gives is what we see in the evolution of society over the last few centuries. A few hundred years ago the advantage was with the individual that was physically strong. This advantage was taken away from humanity with the advent of the industrial revolution when machines became our muscles. The intellect then became the advantage. This advantage is now waning do to the technological advantages of the computer.
What will this leave us to do?
As this progression occurs, we will be left with nothing to do expect develop even deeper values of our human experience. According to Sadhguru and the Eastern Tradition of Yoga or the Veda we will then focus on developing that experience within us that is beyond even the Intellect. This is called Chit in the Veda and translates as pure consciousness. Consciousness transcendental to the thinking process and the source of it.
How will we do this?
Sadhguru continues by pointing out the obvious and of course that would be changing the focus of our educational system to the technology of Consciousness that not only is given us by modern science but also through our traditions that have been offering technologies to develop our inner experience for thousands of years.
Check out my thoughts on the marriage of Traditional values and modern science HERE.
Of course, you can watch this inspiring video first.
(Click on the link in the video and/or click on the link HERE since they disabled watching it on other websites.)
Sadhguru talk gives a great perspective the Eastern approach to education, so do check it out! And please let me know what you think of this kind of thinking. Do you agree that both Dr. Michio Kaku and Sadhguru have a good grasp of what our future is becoming?
Key Takeaways:
- Dr. Michio Kaku points out the value of the objective approach of science giving examples.
- The Internet makes the world smaller and more difficult to make enemies, especially if we gain many friends in all parts of the world through it.
- Sadhguru points out the value of the subjective approach of science which are the traditional values that have been proven to work throughout the thousands of years they have been around.
‘If we make friends throughout the world through the Internet then we won’t want to go to war with them.’ — Dr. Michio Kaku
“I’ll say that we are complaining about to many possibilities. You must remember that in the past uncertainty meant whether you live tomorrow or not. Today your life is mostly assured. Uncertainty is only in terms of possibilities and new happenings. You must celebrate this not worry about it.” — Sadhguru
~Please leave your comments below…
Relevant Content:
- The Sadhguru Sense (YouTube Channel)
- Michio Kaku (YouTube Channel)
I think Dr. Michio kaku and Sadhguru taken together will give us a future worth living and most likely what is exactly going to happen.