If you want to improve parts of your life, mindfulness meditation training is a great way to start!
A recent study showed positive interpersonal outcomes through the cognitive social changes that show how people pay attention to one another during their social interactions. As far as the study goes, there are always cons.
The con to this study consists of the effects of mindfulness training were only reliable when the pro social behavior was taken down right after the training finished.
Key Takeaways:
- Although it’s long been suspected that mindfulness makes for smoother days and happier people, their has been uncertainty as to whether it led to less or more morality.
- More traditional spiritual teachings are explicit in their ethical teachings. So, the debate raged as to whether mindfulness, which does not have such explicitness, fostered ethics, or not.
- One group of meta-analysis researchers discovered about 30 studies that did suggest higher levels of compassion linked to mindfulness activity.
““There has been recent and warranted debate about the fidelity of secular mindfulness trainings and their effects on interpersonal outcomes,” explained study author Daniel R. Berry, an assistant professor at California State University San Marcos.”
More details: here
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