Consciousness has long been in the center of scientific curiosity. Scientists from many different disciplines tried to decipher the meaning and the working of consciousness, but quantifying it has always proven itself to be extremely difficult.
Now, a pair of scientists, one physicist and one anesthesiologist are trying to provide an answer to this puzzle. While their attempt is ambitious, and in the beginning was met with disbelief and skepticism, the first hints show they may be on the course to succeed.
Key Takeaways:
- One of the biggest issues we are having is that we can not measure quantum anything outside of a very cold temperature.
- STM is a new method of measuring the quantum state in a tunnel created with quantum fractal patterns.
- We are able to use this STM method to create a tunnel similar to ours, and it shows electrons in a quantum state.
“Since our body works at room temperature, you would expect it to be governed by the classical laws of physics.”
More details: here
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