When you find yourself in a state of resignation, it may be a signal that you’re becoming indifferent to life and throwing in the towel on changing your circumstances. The key difference between resignation and acceptance, is that with acceptance you have come to terms with your situation and made your peace with it.
Acceptance is far healthier than resignation because when you accept something you leave yourself open to the possibility of entering a new phase of your life.
Key Takeaways:
- When it comes to resignation, it shows that you’re indifferent to live and can lead to you giving up.
- Acceptance is one of the best things that you can experience because it typically will come along with peace.
- When you allow yourself to be accepting of you and others you usually will be open to what comes next in your future.
“From this place of calm acceptance, your mind will be able to see possibilities for improving your circumstances. And so, there’s hope in true acceptance.”
More detaqils: here
- Psychology Today (Website)
Sadhguru (YouTube Channel)
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