Quantum Mechanics challenges the deterministic nature of science, and many New Age gurus have claimed that quantum physics supports Eastern mysticism. Lenin set out to defend materialism against mystical interpretations. He argued for a “copy theory” that the mind makes copies of reality that, while imperfect, are good enough for us to get by.
Critics such as Ilyenkov and Vygotsky contend that Lenin overlooked the way the human mind is created out of a socio-historical network.
Ultimately, mysticism starts with individual’s relationship to God, mechanical materialism starts with individual’s relationship to nature, and dialectical materialism begins with society’s relationship to nature.
Socio-historical analysis can be used to explain why New Age beliefs in ESP, astral projection, homeopathy and other ideas remain popular.
Key Takeaways:
- Various social-cultural thinking does a better job at explaining the mind better than Lenin’s reflective Theory of Mind.
- There are very many different philosophies that attempt to explain the brain and quantum physics relationship.
- Most philosophers agree that nature and the mind are harder to understand than what the real world presents to them.
“If you couldn’t decide whether a subatomic particle was a wave or a particle without a state of consciousness, that meant that consciousness was at the heart of matter.”
More details: here
Related Content:
- The Double Slit Experiment (Source of Quantum Mechanics – NEED TO KNOW!)
- Dissident Voice (Website)
- All views expressed on this website “Species Universe” are not necessarily the same as the author of this site. They are presented here to help give the reader a more complete understanding of all the views of reality present in the world today. Hopefully discovering the Unified Field for what it really is will give us the perspective to eventually understand where all perspectives originate from and how close they reflect the total reality we live.
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