Physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff theorized that consciousness should obey the rules of Quantum Mechanics.
Our brains are comprised of neurons which in turn contain microtubules that are structured in a fractal pattern. Fractals permit complexity to emerge from simple repeated patterns.
Advanced technology, including a scanning tunneling microscope, now makes it possible to measure quantum fractals in the lab. Experiments have revealed that quantum fractals behave differently from classical fractals.
Some day, quantum measurements can be taken from the human brain and the results could be compared to the lab findings. This will show whether consciousness is a classical or a quantum phenomenon.
Key Takeaways:
- We have yet to be able to measure any type on consciousness in the brain, but we can measure how electrons are arranged which should help us understand.
- STM is a new scanning technology that scan tunnels created with electrons.
- With STM, a fractal tunnel was scanned the electrons visible by the scan were in a quantum state, not classical.
“They claimed that the brain’s neuronal system forms an intricate network and that the consciousness this produces should obey the rules of quantum mechanics, the theory that determines how tiny particles like electrons move around.”
More details: here
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